The unending need to be socially aacepted and the fear of being laughed at can make a person behave in manic ways.
A person sensitive towards criticism will go to any extent to ensure that the world does not find anything worth criticising in them.
Sridevi's signature shows a big loop in the upper zone of letter d. This loopy stem in d represents the fear of being criticised or fear of being laughed at.
We all have experienced in our childhood some adult person/s, other than our parents, criticising or finding faults with our attire, behaviour, apperance, habits etc. Some ignore such free advisors and some take it seriously.
Social approval becomes very important to those who look at themseleves from the eyes of these free advisors and valuers.
According to Transactional analysis, it is believed that we all begin the journey of our personality development from the I'm Not OK, You're OK state. The grown uos are all OK and we are trying to learn how we can be OK and get into the I'm OK You're OK state.
But some stay in the I'm not OK state forever. Then they find some ways to feel OK and they script their life as I 'm OK as long as I am doing...
This signature shows many more aspects of her personality related to her relationships, health and wealth but this article aims at highlighting the sensitivity towards criticism seen in loopy stem of letter d.
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